Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sex and the Media

via CNN

Women. It is known that in the world's most richest nation, 51% of the population are female. Amazing. Yet, for some reason, despite the major boom, I, as a women, still feel a bet rejected in this world. Maybe it has to do with the fact that because I'm a girl, I'm viewed as the sex that cant do as great a job as the opposite sex. Or maybe because, thanks to this world, females are viewed as sexy, sultry, objects. And it seems that, based to this description, that is ALL how the world see us!

Well, in this article, titled "Sex, lies and media...", it discusses how, thanks in part to social media, "women are objectified...", all thanks to the "constant barrage of images from all forms of media, may of them connecting products to a pair of breasts and a coy smile". Also in this article, it mentions the documentary, "Miss Representation" directed by Jennifer Siebel-Newsom, in which she explores the topic of what is true beauty in the eyes of the which it already has a mass following. Main point: women are being viewed as these stereotypical sex objects (in the workforce, or wherever) rather than in a positive light. Instead of smart scientists, or CEOs, in this reality, women are viewed as sultry perfume ads or selling cigarettes and beer. This article also targets the issue of weight, image, looks, etc.

To read the article, click here (or click the article title above)

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