Sunday, February 5, 2012

An Intro

Hello :) To begin with, my "alias" is Bell, and I am currently a college student in the West Coast. I have to say that I am doing this blog for my Honors class, for which  our class was given the choice of either using a notebook or creating a blog for our Media Journal. Since I am not to keen of printing or cutting paper and pasting it into my journal/notebook, I figured that creating a blog will be much simpler. Plus! I can put music! 

The point of this journal is to observe (or describe) any current media events that are making weekly headlines. Whether its analyzing a recent media topics, or describing a movie that I saw on TCM, this blog is an informative way to keep myself up to date with any media-related news plus to improve and understand the world of mass media and communication in a way I have never encountered before.

This should be a fun project, for I love to write and I cant wait to where this leads to :)

Hope you'll enjoy it!

Take care!

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