Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Topic of the Day: Subliminal Messages

   So today in class, we discussed on how advertisements, TV commercials, and such, usually have a "secret" message that is hidden away for the public eye not to notice. In fact, it is pretty amazing to learn that even the most innocent looking images,symbols, caption, etc., are indeed very dirty or very naughty to read. Why?Because they are "hidden". People might read and see whats's in of them, but usually don't think nothing of it. Luckily, due to a very analytically mind (okay, well kinda), I am usually aware of my surroundings and once in awhile, I critically analyze a picture to see what is hidden, especially symbols.

   When the class started out discussing about these "hidden" messages, one word instantly popped on my mind, "Illuminati". Yes, I know, I said it. But to be very, very honest, whether others might roll their eyes, or preach about this topic,  this type of  vigilant discussion is extremely popular among the local crowd, and I usually hear stories about how the music, government, toys, etc., all have a hidden meanings in their products. Well, I don't judge, and I like keep my options open and listen to what the people have to say. So, to give an example, below there is a link that directs you towards an article, which discusses on how a popular doll brand is filled with hidden symbols that the naked eye usually pass by it.

   Keep in mind that I like to keep my options open, and it doesn't necessarily mean I immediately take sides. This is just for an analytical assignment.

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